Reach your goals!

The road to the goal is everyday, methodical work. The GoalKeeper app will help you stay motivated and regular in your goals.

Download GoalKeeper and take the first step towards success!

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Reach your goals

You set yourself ambitious goals, but have trouble achieving them? If you want to get serious about pursuing your goals, GoalKeeper is for you!

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Motivation is key

GoalKeeper will help you stay motivated, by regularly reminding you to fight. Keep your eyes on the prize! Remember, regular work and everyday progress is the way to success!

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Keep track

GoalKeeper allows you to evaluate your progress daily by adding a Daily Summary. The Timeline allows you to track your ups and downs on the road to success. Taking a step back and analyzing your struggles is the best way to draw constructive conclusions!

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Step by step

Breaking a big goal into many smaller ones is a great way to stay motivated. Add Milestones to your Timeline and structure your way to your goal.